
Lets users navigate through a list of pages and indicate the current page.

Base Components


Pagination divides content into separate pages, allowing users to navigate through large sets of data.‍

When Should You Use Pagination?

  • Large Datasets: When displaying a long list of items, such as search results, product catalogs, or database entries.
  • Improving Performance: To reduce load times and improve performance by loading only a subset of data at a time.
  • Enhancing Usability: To provide a structured and organized way for users to navigate through content.

How Should You Use Pagination?

  • Include the Pagination component in your project by importing it from the design system library.
  • Ensure that your data is appropriately structured to support pagination, typically as an array or a paginated API response.
  • Define the structure of your Pagination with a container element.
  • Add individual page links, as well as "Previous" and "Next" buttons.
  • Add features like "First" and "Last" buttons for quicker navigation.
  • Display the total number of pages or items to provide context to the user.
  • Implement dynamic pagination for server-side data fetching to handle large datasets more efficiently.


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