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June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022
Version 2.3
Bug Fix
New Component
Bug Fix
New & improved

Figma made some major updates to their platform in May 2022. This included component properties, a re-designed Autolayout, dark mode and much more. In v.2.3 of Shipfaster UI, we have decided to introduce a number of updates that have helped improve the kit’s performance and it’s relevancy with the latest updates.

  • Removed .styled components to improve the performance of our design system
  • Updated all components with the new component properties and Autolayout feature
  • Updated all templates with the revised components
  • Migrated our icon system from ‘component variants’ to individual components, to allow for an improved toggling experience.Added tablet and mobile versions for all templates
  • Provided pre-designed templates for quick use
  • Included a Shipfaster Starter template for anyone that wants to use a lighter version of our design system

If you enjoy these updates, please make sure to give us a quick 5 star review on Gumroad.


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